Alberta MP Michelle Rempel has sponsored the following petition - sign it.

Parliamentary Petition e-2303

Member of Parliament Michelle Rempel has sponsored the petition below:

  • The Liberal government has intentionally imposed damaging legislation, like Bills C-69 and C-48, which has had, and will continue to have, devastating impacts on Alberta’s economy;
  • The Liberal government refuses to examine the unfairness in the equalization formula;
  • Albertans overwhelmingly rejected the policies and approach of the current Liberal government in the most recent election;
  • The Alberta jobs crisis has been made worse by the Liberal government’s mishandling of the economy, and hostile approach to the energy sector which has resulted in lost jobs and investment; and
  • The Alberta government indicated its intent to explore options, which would restore respect for the province and benefit the people of Alberta, to exercise its right to areas of provincial autonomy in the face of a federal government who is opposing Albertan’s interests.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to allow Alberta to take any and all measures deemed necessary to further its rightful autonomy and advance the interests of all Albertans. 

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