Alberta Pension Plan: UCP to study benefits of leaving CPP - Edmonton Journal

Alberta Pension Plan: UCP seeking outside study of costs, benefits, whether to leave CPP - Edmonton Journal

The Alberta government is looking for an external analysis of the potential risks and benefits of a provincial pension plan.

In a request for proposals ... the government says it wants a detailed analysis of the costs, benefits and structure of a potential provincial pension plan if Alberta left the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). ...

The request for proposals comes nearly three months after the Fair Deal Panel suggested the Alberta government consider creating its own pension plan. At the time, Premier Jason Kenney said he was tasking the department of finance with doing an analysis.

“I have tasked the department of finance with preparing a detailed analysis of the cost, benefits and structure of a potential Alberta Pension Plan,” ...

“If that analysis concludes that an Alberta provincial pension would be a net benefit to Albertans we would then proceed to give Alberta voters the final say on the proposal in a province-wide referendum.” ...

Only 42 per cent of the people polled think an Alberta Pension Plan would improve the province’s place in the federation.


Read full article Here.

