25% of Albertans support becoming an independent nation: Poll - DH News Vancouver

A never-ending topic of tension and debate amongst Albertans is the concept of a separation of the province from the rest of Canada.

Whether you’re for or against it, you can’t deny that it’s an interesting idea.

A recent poll by Research Co. shows that support may be growing for an independent nation in the West, and that the separation would be more appealing to Albertans if Saskatchewan and British Columbia residents join in. ...

The survey took a representative sample of Canadians living in the three Western provinces to gauge support for separation under several different scenarios.

The online survey found that one-in-four Albertans — a whole 25% — are in favour of their province becoming an independent nation.

Less than one-in-six residents of both Saskatchewan and British Columbia agree with the idea of their respective provinces becoming sovereign on their own. ...

When asked about the possibility of an independent nation encompassing Alberta and Saskatchewan, one-in-four Albertans and one-in-five Saskatchewanians were in favour of creating a prairie super-province.

The idea of forming a sovereign western nation with Alberta didn’t appeal to British Columbians – only 13% of British Columbians agreed with this prospect.

And as far joining the United States goes? 18% of Albertans would support this unification, while just 7% of British Columbians felt positively about it....

Almost half of the Albertans who voted for the United Conservative Party in the 2019 provincial election voiced support for an independent nation ...

“The biggest surprise for me was 47% of UCP supporters saying they’re comfortable with a change” ...

Read full article Here.

