Amazon suppliers linked to slave labor in China - NBC News

Amazon suppliers linked to forced labor in China, watchdog group says
The company’s supplier list includes firms accused of using Uyghur laborers.

Amazon has continued to work with companies in China accused of using forced labor (which is essentially slave labor) despite public warnings about their work practices, according to a report published Monday by a nonprofit watchdog group.

The report from the Tech Transparency Project, a research group that is run by the non-profit Campaign for Accountability ... , found that Amazon’s public list of suppliers includes ... companies previously linked by journalists and think tank researchers to “labor transfer” programs in China. The suppliers help produce Amazon-branded devices and products sold under house labels like Amazon Basics.

The report also warned that some of Amazon’s third-party sellers may be offering products made using labor from the western Chinese region of Xinjiang, such as cotton imports that are already the subject of U.S. sanctions.

“The findings raise questions about Amazon’s exposure to China’s repression of minority Uyghurs in Xinjiang — and the extent to which the e-commerce giant is adequately vetting its supplier relationships,” researchers from the Tech Transparency Project wrote in the report. 

Amazon declined to comment on the specific allegations. In a general statement, ... the company, said: “Amazon complies with the laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which it operates ..".

Apparently even if those laws and regulations condone slavery.

Read full article Here.
