Trudeau’s Canadian Fascism Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Putin - Townhall

Putin has sent 100K+ troops into ... Ukraine, and that’s bad. But the morphing of Canada into a fascist state before our eyes is exponentially worse. ...

A garbage elite on our [Canadian] border ... has declared war upon the working class, [and are] outraged that mere peasants are refusing to submit to their betters. Due process, free speech, not beating the brains out of old ladies with walkers – these basics have gone by the wayside ...

We cannot live under tyranny here. Canada is right next door, and ... Sadly, the majority of Canadians and their disgusting MPs seem to support treating the Anglo-Saxon legacy of human rights and democracy like Eric Swalwell treats his boxers after a chili cook-off. They have proven themselves unfit to be a free people and are happy to slide into serfdom.

I don’t care what happens to a bunch of maple leaf sissies who prefer a thug-powered nanny state that suppresses dissent and scoffs at due process. I do care that this constitutes inspiration to Democrats here at home. And for that reason, on Kurt’s “Things I Care About” chart, “Canadian Fascism” is number one with a bullet. ...

Sniveling weasels like the insufferable David French want to focus on Ukraine over Canada for obvious reasons – it’s much more beneficial to the ruling caste to focus on some far-flung fracas than the ruling caste’s corruption, failure, and tyranny initiative here at home.

The rulers of Canada have more in common with the American establishment than with their own people, and America’s establishment clearly prefers Trudeaueans to those knuckle-dragging Jesus gun people who sweat when they work. The idea that what happened in Canada cannot happen here – particularly with the eager participation of corporate accomplices to create a Chi Com-esque social credit regime that punishes dissent by eliminating dissenters’ ability to work and live within the economy – is ludicrous. It not only can happen here but the Democrats actively want it to. ...

There is nothing more important than our freedom, and that’s under attack right now right next door.

Read Kurt Schlichter full article Here.



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