Alberta Independence Party fires their only chance of electoral success - Twitter


On March 28, 2023 my 50th birthday, the board of directors of the Independence Party of Alberta, with a transgender secretary spearheading this attack, decided to revoke my membership, kicking me out of the party. For months the board was bombarding me and demanding that I stop talking about God, moral principles and true freedom and independence. I was told multiple times that I cannot talk about grooming of children, drag queen shows, abortion and corruption in our present government. I was told not to talk about Notley, Smith, Trudeau, jabs/jab injuries or anything negative. We were pressured not to have doctors like Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. William Makis, and Dr. Rodger Hodkinsion on our stage. I could not submit to the demands of the directors such as Dan Duggan, Ty Northcott, Shannon Packham, Vicky Bayford, “Monica” Friesz who turned this party into the very thing that we are fighting against. A handful of directors decided to remove the leader that you elected and override your democratic voice. A censorial, top-down, controlling, corrupted, lying and tyrannical organization. I have never hid my Christian beliefs or that I am a vocal bible preaching clergyman. I never had, nor ever will, abandon my faith and moral standards. I have been and always will fight for everyone’s freedom even if I disagree with someone else’s life choices. I expected the same from this party. In conclusion, I truly believe that this party has been infiltrated for a simple reason: we grew too big, too fast and we had become a real tangible threat to the corrupted establishment. When I joined this organization a few months ago it only had a few hundred members and because of my notoriety and the hard work of individuals who are now also excluded from the board like Bob Blayone or Nick Lauritsen who dedicated the last three years into promoting and defending our God and state given rights, we grew to thousands. I have been travelling around Alberta for months and the response has always been standing ovations and more memberships. Someone somewhere said a simple two words: “kill it.” They realized the party has become too dangerous to the establishment, and they had to sabotage it before the election. The Independence Party of Alberta has been infiltrated by evil people and this treachery has revealed their intentions. My friends, I assure you that I will not stop talking about moral standards, my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, I will always stand for what is right, I will defend freedom and I will forward the idea of individual independence wherever I go, even if I have to do it alone. I will still be running in this upcoming election as an independent candidate. Today a few have decided to betray you but we are many, we are growing and we are rising, we will stay in solidarity with each other until justice will be served, democracy restored and God brought back to government. Ps. Remember in the end of the day the treachery of Judas Iscariot is rewarded with silver coin that is attached to a big tree and a strong rope. Be blessed, do not lose hope, stay strong and remember that God wins in the end. Your Pastor, Artur Pawlowski
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