Bitcoin is structured to fail - Analysis - U Today

Bitcoin (BTC) Security Is Doomed: Sensational Analysis by Justin Bons

Justin Bons, a seasoned investor and hedge fund manager, is sure that Bitcoin (BTC) as a safe payment instrument is on borrowed time. In coming years, Bitcoin (BTC) network participants will lose economic motivation to keep it secure. 

Here's why Bitcoin (BTC) will not stay secure in long term 

In order to stay secure, Bitcoin (BTC) should either double its value every four years in the next century or struggle with extremely high transactional fees ...

At the same time, this growth seems impossible to the analyst as the Bitcoin (BTC) capitalization would need to surpass the net GDP of all world countries to achieve this goal. But even if this uber-bullish scenario plays out, in 80 years, Bitcoin's (BTC) "security budget" would vanish. 

Also, it seems highly unlikely that a significant number of users would still use Bitcoin (BTC) to pay $100 as a median transactional fee ...

Justin Bons is sure that the Bitcoin (BTC) block size limit is to blame for the upcoming collapse that looks almost inevitable to him: 

Paying hundreds of dollars for a single transaction is not realistic in a competitive market. When fees spike, users leave, all due to the unnecessary addition of the block size limit ...

When will Bitcoin (BTC) security fail?

... As per his estimation, Bitcoin's (BTC) security model will fail within ... 9 years ...

Read full article Here.


